Oak Wilt Management | Oak Wilt Prevention

Oak wilt can be a serious issue for the valuable trees on your property, but treated properly, the symptoms can be mitigated and the health of your trees can be improved. Certified Arbor Care of Austin provides expert oak wilt management and oak wilt prevention services. It is important to treat affected trees quickly since some species of oaks, can expire in one season. So act fast to mitigate the often devastating affects of oak wilt by calling in the oak wilt management and oak wilt prevention specialists at Certified Arbor Care of Austin.  

What is Oak Wilt?

Oak wilt is a serious tree disease brought on by a fungus that causes the defoliation, discoloration of leaves, wilting, damage to leaves and even the death of a tree. Oak wilt can be a devastating disease to trees if left untreated. Timely and proper oak wilt management and oak wilt prevention measures can be affective. To prevent oak wilt, careful attention should be taken to avoid excessive injury during peak oak wilt season from February through June. Trees damaged during storms or incidents should be painted with appropriate tree care materials to seal injuries. Ongoing fungicidal injections can be scheduled to provide ongoing treatment.

We Are the Oak Wilt Management and Prevention Experts

The expert tree care professionals at Certified Arbor Care of Austin are Texas Oak Wilt Certified Arborists, providing prevention of oak wilt infections in trees using several effective methods, including treating injuries to trees, eliminating crossing branches and limbs, separating connecting roots and using fungicide treatments.

Oak wilt can be especially hard hitting as the fungus can affect a tree and kill it in as little as six months. This can be devastating to a property owner who has just a few valuable large mature trees providing shade and landscaping aesthetics. It can be costly to remove a dead tree, and even worse, the disease, if left untreated, can easily and quickly spread to neighboring trees, exacerbating the problem.

Serving the Austin Metro Area for Oak Wilt Prevention and Treatment

Our tree care technicians at Certified Arbor Care of Austin have comprehensive training and extensive experience in oak wilt management and oak wilt prevention. We serve the Austin Metro area, and the communities of:

If you suspect oak wilt has infiltrated your property and has infected one or more of your trees, contact the professionals who best know how to treat oak wilt—Certified Arbor Care of Austin. We offer inspections and estimates for oak wilt treatment and oak wilt prevention.

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